Immersion: 3hr web Training

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  • Immersion: 3hr web Training

Immersion: 3hr web Training

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Based on 15+ years of work with immersion schools, this program focuses on how to immerse students in a language-rich, standards-based curriculum while utilizing solid instructional strategies for any language model. We will show immersion best practices, presents research-based instructional methods etc. The training will showcase immersion best practices through student-centered instructional strategies including effective grouping, engaging and guided learning centers, and active teaching practices that ensures student participation and comprehension. Also, it will present research-based instructional methods and the principles of sheltered instruction strategies that help to scaffold learning for second language learners and builds prior knowledge. The training focuses on content-driven instruction that incorporates thematic instruction and cooperative learning to meet the needs of diverse learners. Includes content-rich subjects such as science and social studies into the overall program of delivering quality instruction in Mandarin language arts. We will train teachers to build daily instructional practices including the development of classroom routines, lesson plans and the organization of classroom management practices through an integrated online learning system.

A three-hour training is an abridged version of the six-hour training and will offer the initial framework and overview of the Better Chinese professional development series.

Please contact profdev(at)betterchinese(dot)com to schedule.
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