Better Chinese Examination Policy

Thank you for considering Better Chinese books for use in your classroom. Better Chinese is pleased to provide examination copies to qualified instructors who are interested in examining our complete pedagogy for our 5 series for classroom adoption consideration. 

Below is our examination rate for EACH volume in the following series:




My First Chinese Words



My First Chinese Reader



Discovering Chinese Pro



Magical Tour of China



Modern Chinese Volume 1



Modern Chinese Volume 2



China In Depth


Today's World I


Ordering Process 

If you wish us to process your request for an examination copy, please email us at . If you wish us to process your request for an examination copy by mail or fax, please send your request on school letterhead. Please include the following information.
  • School or district
  • Your name, title, email, and contact telephone number
  • Mailing address (home ok, please indicate home)
  • Name of the class and grade level
  • Semester for which you are considering the book
  • Expected enrollment
  • Please specify Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters

Please address your request to: 

Kelly Chen

Better Chinese

P.O.Box 695

Palo Alto, CA 94302
Tel: 650-384-0902

Fax: 702-442-7968

You can also request an examination copy through our request form