Flipped Learning in the New Era
We are excited to be mentioned in the Asia Society and Language Educator magazine about using our secondary curriculum Discovering Chinese Pro as the main...
Read MoreWe are excited to be mentioned in the Asia Society and Language Educator magazine about using our secondary curriculum Discovering Chinese Pro as the main...
Read More猜字游戏 (Charade1) 在现代课堂中经常被使用,笔者在本文中将探讨其使用方法及变体。在中文课堂中,有趣的课堂活动能够帮助学生加深对所学语言的了解,笔者经过亲身实践,发现猜字活动可以有多种使用方法。在21世纪的大背景下,老师们更可以运用科技活化自己的教学,将传统活动与现代科技相结合,激发学生的学习动机,提高课堂的参与度。 传统的猜字游戏 Traditional Charade 口说训练 Speaking:学生分成两组。每组派一个学生背对着幻灯片。幻灯片显示的是目的语-中文单词。队友需要立刻辨识单词意思,并表演出来,最快说出单词的队员获胜。每个队员轮流参赛。 写作训练 Writing:学生分成两组。每组派一个学生背对着幻灯片。幻灯片显示的是目的语-中文单词。队友需要立刻辨识单词意思,并表演出来,最快写出正确单词的队员获胜。每个队员轮流参赛。 新时代的猜字游戏 Charade in the 21st Century Classroom [caption id="attachment_5053" align="aligncenter" width="395"] Picture Source: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/heads-up!/id623592465?mt=8[/caption] 使用iPad或者iPhone活用猜字游戏...
Read More(Classroom Goals: Promoting Student-to-Student interactions in the Chinese classroom) 尽管教学理论时常强调课堂中学生为中心的概念,但在教学实践中,老师仍扮演着演讲者。本短文就笔者个人的教学经验,简单举例课堂活动并进行探讨,鼓励学生更大程度地成为课堂的引领者。 学生背景 Student Profile 学校: Poly Prep Country Day School, NY. 年级:高中生,12年级 班级大小:8位学生 等级:Level IV 课时:4次/周,三次...
Read MoreCan we use the same reading strategies for any language(s)? The answer is "yes". The same reading strategies we naturally use when we read passages...
Read MoreHalloween is just around the corner, so I wanted to share my lesson plans related to this fun American holiday! Since 中元节 (Zhōng yuán jié, Hungry...
Read MoreIn your Chinese classroom, how do you design tasks to better utilize your course materials and make learning fun for your students? How do you...
Read MoreHave you encountered “challenging students” in your classroom? Have you been bothered by a noisy classroom? Whether you are a novice or an experienced...
Read More九 (Jiǔ) is a special number in Chinese culture and its pronunciation is the same as 久 (Jiǔ), which means a long length of...
Read MoreHere's a guest blogpost that we did for Dig Mandarin. What songs do you use in the classroom? Want your child to speak and...
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