I Love Chinese Activity Templates

[caption id="attachment_1560" align="aligncenter" width="533"]i love chinese activity templates Activity Templates for the I Love Chinese series [/caption] In the I Love Chinese Teacher's Guide, there are many games, activities and art projects that refer to an “activity template”. Here’s a list of all the templates in both Simplified and Traditional characters for each of the lessons in the I Love Chinese series. LESSON 2: What Shape is This? | 这是什么形状? Project 4 (Paper Box) Simplified | Traditional Project 6 (Tangrams) Simplified | Traditional i love chinese kindergarten curriculum Lesson 3: What Do You Want to Be? | 你想做什么? Project 2 (Chef's Hat) Simplified | Traditional Project 4 (Paper Cutting 业)Simplified | Traditional Lesson 4: Where are you Going? | 你去哪里? Project 4 (Kite Making Instructions) Simplified | Traditional Lesson 5: Four Seasons | 一年四季 Project 3 (Paper Cutting 春) Simplified | Traditional Project 4 (Rainbow Characters: Seasons) Simplified | Traditional Lesson 7: Animals | 动物 Project 2 (Animal Superlatives) Simplified | Traditional Project 3 (Paper Elephant Folding) Simplified | Traditional Project 5 (Rainbow Characters: Animals) Simplified | Traditional Lesson 10: Let's Play Ball | 我们一起打球 Project 3 (Making Shuttlecocks) Simplified | Traditional


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