Meili loves projects. For homework to compliment lesson 27 (My Day | 我的一天 from My First Chinese Reader Volume 3), Shawn Laoshi asked her to write a script for a fictional student, 小白 (Xiaobai). She was first asked to write out Xiaobai's bad habits and the following day, she was asked to write out Xiaobai's improved habits. Each day she was expected to take a photo of her script and email it for corrections. In class, they worked together on pronunciation and then recorded her reading the final script. Listen to her read Xiaobai_Habits. The following week, she was asked to write down what time she typically wakes up, what time she begins classes, what time she eats lunch, what time she goes to bed, etc. Laoshi created a similar list for himself. He also wrote down the characters for each activity on a small card. They then took turns drawing out a card and asking the other person questions, for example, "What time do you eat breakfast?" / 你每天几点早饭 ? They then recorded one another's responses on a chart. With the information in the chart, she then wrote out a paragraph to describe Laoshi's day while he wrote a paragraph to describe hers. For homework, he asked her to read 读一读 from page 27 and to answer the comprehension questions he posted on Edmodo. He purposely devised questions that used characters she was NOT familiar with as the goal was to get her to use context clues to figure out what was asked.
1. 海报上的人是谁? 2. 姚明是足球运动员吗? 3. 姚明是哪里人? 4. 姚明今年几岁? 5. 姚明属什么? 6. 姚明喜欢什么颜色? 7. 姚明喜欢干什么?
Jiejie did a similar activity that incorporated drawing characters out of a box. The kids enjoyed it so much they created their own version at home to make their daily review lessons more lively. Worksbook A in the My First Chinese Reader includes flashcards for the characters introduces in that volume. You can also download free flashcards on a few selected topics from Semanda.
You can also create a schedule using one of the My First Chinese Reader activity templates for Lesson 27.
Want your child to speak and use Chinese based on state-adopted curriculum? Better Chinese Plus is the home version of our state-adopted program with video and personalized instructions. The learning pathway provides a clear alignment with the ACTFL proficiency standards. Each lesson is powered by patented technologies to help your child more effectively learn characters, vocabulary, and expressions. Each video lesson is moderated by at least 2 teachers with different styles. Each lesson practice is individualized by AI to ensure acquisition of language skills. Our program leverages technologies to provide the most effective hybrid solutions for your child. You can add physical books to remind them what they are learning as well as empowering them with what they know. Connect with a BC+ Sherpa to further help your child through structured guidance. Sign-up for 14 days for free. Learn, retain, and enjoy learning Chinese anytime!