Announcement of Price Increase

After more than 5 years of no price increases, we will be raising prices to account for increased shipping costs and inflation. All price increases will be in effect as of November 1, 2013, but we will honor all outstanding price quotas through December 31, 2013. The effected items includes My First Chinese Word series, My First Chinese Reader series, Discovering Chinese series, Magical Tour of China series and some supplementary materials. Here's a quick overview of a few of the changes. Please download our Better Chinese Pricing Guide (Effective November 1, 2013) to see a complete list of our new prices. - All curriculum books to increase by $1. - Posters, Games and Flashcards to increase by $1. - Online Learning Individual Licenses will increase by $1. - Online Learning Group/School licenses will increase from $25 to $30.


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