Homeschool Chinese: 5 Best Pinterest Boards for Mandarin Chinese

Whether you are a newbie or an active user, finding who to follow on Pinterest can be difficult. From your favorite personal interests to your business niche, locating inspiring Pinterest content can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. So how can you find the content you crave and the pinners you love without spending hours jumping from one site to the next? Below are 5 of my favorite boards for Mandarin Chinese, in no particular order. While I could have continued on with an endless supply of excellent Pinterest boards to follow, these are the specific boards (and pinners) that keep me coming back time and again for more of that Pinterest eye-candy! I always find fun, creative activities to help augment the kids' Mandarin lessons. From stories and songs to crafts and traditions, you'll surely find inspiration, too!

So there you have it. Not just 5, but 6 of my favorite boards. Did I miss one? What do you like to pin? I’d love to hear your suggestions in the comments below!


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